Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Tribute to Anggun Concert 17th June 2008 (Cancelled !!! Hiks ... )

A Tribute to Anggun Concert

at Jakarta Convention Center ( JCC )

Date : 17th June 2008

Venue : JCC

With the supporting artists : Vina Panduwinata, Rita Effendy, Andra The Backbone, Yana Julio, etc ... and of course Anggun herself !!!

* Thanks to MOAS

A Star That Defies Boundaries

A star that defies boundaries

Your new single, "Garde-moi" was composed by David Hallyday, can you tell us how the meeting went?

I first crossed David on the Restos du spectacle Heart, we reviewed a duet for television. For this show, he wanted to produce itself and the song has even appealed to musicians in London and the United States. It is a meticulous artist who has a sense of melody. For the new edition of "Luminescence," so I naturally thought of him.

"Garde-moi" is a single rock enough, is it a return to your early musical tastes?

It is a return to rock but in a more feminine. It is also a way to show a facet of my personality that the French do not know.

In the latest edition of the album, you perform a duet with Diam's. How did you come to work together?

I wanted to work with Diam's, because it lent the song perfectly. I refuse to belong to a musical genre in particular, I like red herring. An artist must surprise in its creativity.

With "Luminescence," you are the French artist's most exported, what you feel facing such a success?

I am surprised but mostly proud. France is a country that I chose. Even though I was born in Indonesia, my heart is here.

Her inspirations

What are your sources of inspiration for writing your texts?

These are my travels and my meetings. My father, who was a writer, said that "the perpetrators are thieves," because when you write, inspired by the stories of the people.

Which artists are you listening?

Initially, I was a fan of the Beatles. Then Queen and Freddie Mercury, which was my spiritual father. I also like Madonna, who has an exemplary career. It is surprising and very smart because it has understood that the music should be surprised. I also like Billie Holiday and David Bowie, which lies at the very origin of the career of many artists today.

Her ideas as a woman

You are on tour through France until August 2007. Two years that you explore the roads, how do you manage your life of a woman?

While being on tour is sometimes difficult, I am lucky not to be tracked down by the media and have a fairly healthy life. In addition, I have the same team of formidable musicians who supports me for several years, which makes things much easier.

When you spend so much time on tour, is there evenings where you have less fun on stage?

I am the sign of Taurus. The bull is a person who possesses the true spirit of tribe. For eight years, I have four great musicians who follow me on stage. They are beautiful ... And we are accomplices. Set up a team which works well, it's a real engine. And even if the trips are tiring, to be with people who encourage you and love you, it liquefied things. In your text, you are talking about love, but also tolerance and respect.

What do you want to you invest in humanitarian causes?

Being an artist gives me access to the media. It is important for me to use the celebrity in order to get some messages to the greatest number. M'investir in humanitarian causes me the opportunity to give meaning to the noble concept of celebrity.

You always produce held in sublime, you love fashion?

I love fashion and sometimes even a catastrophic! I love the big dresses and fine-cut, use my femininity. An artist must be dreaming, why deprive ourselves of this pleasure?

In your clips, you are still very sexy, can you reveal your beauty secret to readers of AuFeminin. Com? In my culture, we believe that 'beauty comes from within ". If a woman is beautiful because she is happy and she is loved. The secret to be beautiful, it is often to make love!

With The Support of Singer Anggun


On 24 January this year, National Geographic Channel launches Second edition of the Micro-price environment in partnership With Gaz de France and with the support of Ministry of Ecology and sustainable development. Established in 2006, Micro-Price National Environment Geographic Channel are designed to reward Actions already initiated, which promote the protection of Fauna and flora in France, which are carried by Associations, local authorities, institutions School groups or other outside individual initiatives.

Last year, Price Micro-National Environment Geographic Channel collected one hundred nominations High quality, and awarded eight projects that have benefited Of substantial financial assistance. With this initial success And anxious to continue their engagement on the ground To those struggling to preserve our quality of life, National Geographic Channel and its partners, Gaz de France and the Ministry of Ecology and Development Sustainable, thus renewing the initiative in 2007.

Anggun in Prix Micro - Environment National Geographic Channel 2008

Anggun in Prix Micro - Environnement National Geographic Channel 2008

National Geographic Channel, Gaz de France and the Ministry of Ecology, Development and the Sea committed to the defense of biodiversity. This year, they join forces to reward actions already initiated working for the protection of fauna, flora and water.

Novelty 2008: An award action in urban areas, with the support of the Métro. Created in 2006, Price Micro - National Geographic Channel Environment are designed to reward the actions already initiated, working for the protection of fauna and flora in France, which are brought by associations, local authorities , schools or other communities.

In 2007, 60 cases were submitted to the Jury. Four initiatives have been rewarded. The first prize was awarded to the Alsace delegation of the League for the Protection of Birds (LPO) for its work in promoting the conservation and protection of orchards high stalks, which are sources of food and nesting sites for many endangered bird species. The second prize was awarded the Association of apples Croqueurs de la Manche, which is fighting to preserve and make known the genetic heritage orchard through demonstrations, free classes on the tree, tours of orchards, free tastings, and so on.

The last two prizes had been awarded to the Association of Cleaning Service of Environment and Littoral installed in Brittany, which has established a task of maintaining the coastline and the Association for Children of the country in Aquitaine Beleyme which educates Population regional water management and protection of lakes, wildlife and aquatic flora.

Are you a member of an association, a local authority or a school… in metropolitan France, in a territory or overseas department? Download your application file on the website of National Geographic Channel, and return before April 20, 2008. A jury chaired by Ambassador Anggun and composed of National Geographic Channel, Gaz de France, the Ministry of Ecology, Development and the Sea and the Métro will award five prizes (1st prize 10000 Euros; 2nd to 5th prize 5000 Euros) corresponding to specific universe: wildlife, water and urban ecology.

Anggun, Marraine of Operations, Undertakes

• Anggun, you repeat your commitment to the 2nd edition of Price Micro-environment National Geographic Channel, what is your Look at the protection of fauna and flora in a year?
"I think that all means are justified to preserve nature, And I am also very pleased with the current popular movement in favour Of ecology. However, I hope that it will have the Necessary means to effectively protect the flora and fauna ".
• You have been seduced and affected by the actions taken by the Winners of last year. What do you expect from projects Will be presented at the new edition?
"In an ideal situation, especially j'adorerais there are fewer requests for assistance Financial assistance for the micro-environment. This would mean that there has been A real awareness and that ignorance of the issues Ecological has significantly decreased. "
• What are the actions that will sensitize you the most?
"I am quite sensitive to everything related to Food, because it has a direct impact On our bodies. For example GMOs present Risks of contamination in terms of wildlife and the Flora, they threaten the entire food chain Rebound and play havoc genetics of all Living species. Everything is connected and should therefore appeal The precautionary principle to protect these jewels That are unique flora and fauna. "

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Writing Project ( But, sorry it's in Bahasa )

By : Santoli Pantjalogam/Patrick Logan
Bab I
Convention Hall, Skyline Plaza Hotel
Tepat pukul 19.00, lampu – lampu utama di dalam ruang konvensi luas dan megah itu dimatikan. Perhatian para tamu beralih ke catwalk berbentuk huruf T dengan dinding berpendar putih dan tulisan hitam tegak bersambung sebuah nama yang terdapat di tengah – tengahnya.
Dia adalah Josephine Siregar, seorang desainer muda kenamaan Indonesia dari kota Medan. Malam itu Josephine mengadakan pagelaran busana tunggal menampilkan koleksi rancangannya terbaru bertema “ Celebrinsky “ yang terinspirasi ke-glamour-an dan kehidupan penuh warna para selebritis. Adapun tema diaplikasikan pada busana prêt-à-porter ( = busana siap pakai )
Kemudian seorang pembawa acara pria bersetelan rapi naik ke atas panggung diikuti seberkas cahaya terang dari lampu sorot.
“ HORAS … !!! “ sapanya ramah. “ Selamat malam, para hadirin yang terhormat. Selamat datang di acara yang sangat spesial ini. Sebagai informasi, pertunjukan fesyen pada malam ini turut diperlengkapi dengan koleksi sandal dan sepatu dari Tommy Sutanto serta aksesori dan tas dari INSPIRE. Di samping itu kita juga akan menyaksikan sebuah kolaborasi unik antara seorang peramu musik papan atas kota Medan yaitu DJ Farrel dan KiRaNa, sebuah kelompok musik perkusi handal dari Jakarta, dan tentu saja penampilan para model top dan berprestasi yang tergabung dalam Studio ONE Agency. Now, ladies and gentlemen the latest collection from Josephine Siregar … !!! “
Seiring tepukan gemuruh para hadirin, salah seorang pemain perkusi yang berada di bagian kanan catwalk mulai menabuh sepasang conga besar dengan irama dan bunyi yang semakin lama semakin cepat dan kuat. Permainan solo penuh intensitas itu kemudian diikuti permainan dari keseluruhan pemain dalam kelompok musik yang terdiri dari lima orang tersebut. Sementara itu, sang DJ yang berada di bagian kiri catwalk dengan kompak meningkahinya dengan bunyi - bunyian dan musik dari turntable-nya.
Selesai atraksi pembuka sang DJ langsung menyambungnya dengan memainkan sebuah nomor dance bernuansa Skandinavia. Sebagai model pertama melenggang keluarlah seorang gadis tinggi semampai bertubuh proporsional. Gadis berambut hitam sepinggang diikat ke belakang itu mengenakan celana panjang ketat potongan low cut dari bahan korduroi biru tua dan sepatu but hitam selutut. Sebuah ikat pinggang beraksen minimalis dari kulit berwarna coklat muda terpasang manis di bagian pinggulnya. Di bagian atasannya, model bernama lengkap Jenny Siahaan itu mengenakan kaus dalaman putih dari katun dipadukan dengan cardigan berwarna turquoise dengan ornamen metal, batu dan manik.
Dengan sepasang kaki jenjangnya Jenny melangkah luwes penuh percaya diri mengikuti irama dan hentakan musik, bergaya sesaat ketika hampir mencapai bibir panggung, berbalik dan berjalan lagi. Kilatan lampu blitz para wartawan foto yang berada di sisi kiri, kanan dan depan panggung serta kilauan lampu panggung silih berganti menerpa tubuhnya yang berkulit putih.
“ Magnificent ! “ komentar Bobby dalam hati yang duduk di barisan kedua mengenai penampilan sahabatnya sementara tangannya terus sibuk mengabadikan setiap momen terbaik dengan kamera digital beresolusi tinggi yang terdapat pada smartphone-nya.
Bobby Setiawan, Marketing Manager sebuah perusahaan tekstil terkemuka kota Medan turut hadir mewakili perusahaan ayahnya. Seluruh rangkaian koleksi Josephine kali ini menggunakan produk perusahaan milik ayah Bobby tersebut.
Menyusul di belakang Jenny, melangkah penuh gaya seorang model pria bertubuh tinggi atletis bernama Dave Lim. Model bermata agak sipit itu mengenakan celana panjang dari bahan denim stretch berwarna hijau tua, ikat pinggang kulit berwarna coklat tua dan kaus putih berkerah V dari bahan katun dipadu dengan jaket body fitted dari kulit berwarna hitam serta sepatu kets putih. Sebuah sling bag dari bahan parasut tersampir di pundak kanannya.
“ Now your turn, Dude ! “ kata Bobby dalam hati sambil tetap memotret.
Jenny dan Dave, keduanya merupakan sahabat Bobby. Mereka kuliah di universitas yang sama, yaitu Deli University of Business and Technology, Medan – sebuah universitas joint venture antara seorang pengusaha Indonesia dengan pengusaha Australia.
Di lain waktu tampak Jenny sedang berlenggang memperagakan gaun malam panjang bahu terbuka dari bahan printed chiffon berwarna dasar hijau tua. Di sekeliling leher jenjangnya melingkar dengan indah seuntai kalung emas bertahtakan intan berlian kecil – kecil. Ia mengenakan sepatu hak tinggi berwarna keemasan dan membawa sebuah tas tangan dari kulit berukuran sedang di tangan kanannya. Malam itu Jenny kelihatan sangat anggun. Di belakangnya menyusul Dave. Model berambut agak gondrong itu mengenakan kemeja lengan panjang putih keperakan, rompi dan celana panjang hitam serta sepatu kulit berwarna senada. Dave kelihatan bagaikan seorang pangeran tampan dari sebuah kerajaan dongeng.
Pada kesempatan berikutnya tampak Jenny dan Dave sedang melangkah beriringan memperagakan pakaian renang. Jenny mengenakan bikini super seksi berwarna biru tua dan sebuah topi lebar menghiasi kepalanya sedangkan Dave mengenakan celana renang yang tidak kalah seksi tetapi berwarna biru muda dengan striping biru tua yang terkesan sportif. Ia kelihatan semakin seksi saja dengan six pack dan kulitnya yang kecoklatan karena berjemur.
Pagelaran tunggal Josephine malam itu berakhir dengan sukses. Seratus set busana yang ditampilkan disambut dengan hangat para pembeli baik yang berasal dari dalam negeri maupun manca negara. Perpaduan bahan, warna, corak, cutting, detil serta desain yang sophisticated senantiasa dapat memenangkan hati para penggemarnya. Akhirnya tibalah acara puncak, dengan diiringi lagu Batak berjudul “Alusi Au” yang berarti Jawablah Aku dan berirama up tempo satu per satu dari ke-12 model yang tampil berjalan keluar untuk memberikan salam perpisahan dan terakhir muncullah sang desainer yang segera disambut tepuk tangan meriah dari para hadirin.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Cover of Karaoke VCD Best of ANGGUN ... Grab it !!!

The Platinum Certification of Luminescence ...

To celebrate the platinum certification of Luminescence album, Warner Music France will release the very limited edition of 2-CD version for Luminescence album (French & English), only 3.000 copies.
Release date: June 02, 2008!