Saturday, July 4, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
The ENGLISH Semester Examination Marks of The Sixth Grade Students...
01. 80
02. 72
03. 78
04. 88
05. 96
06. 78
07. 90
08. 98
09. 100
10. 100
11. 70
12. 80
13. 86
14. 90
15. 90
16. 98
17. 90
18. 96
19. 98
20. 76
21. 88
22. 84
23. 90
24. 74
25. 96
26. 56
27. 76
28. 80
29. 94
30. 80
31. 96
32. 78
33. 88
34. 98
01. 96
02. 88
03. 92
04. 68
05. 88
06. 86
07. 96
08. 94
09. 94
10. 82
11. 94
12. 90
13. 96
14. 92
15. 84
16. 70
17. 60
18. 72
19. 90
20. 92
21. 90
22. 72
23. 68
24. 96
25. 98
26. 92
27. 74
28. 82
29. 88
30. 86
31. 100
32. 78
33. 92
34. 92
01. 92
02. 76
03. 98
04. 66
05. 88
06. 98
07. 96
08. 56
09. 86
10. 90
11. 82
12. 88
13. 64
14. 80
15. 62
16. 90
17. 90
18. 74
19. 62
20. 82
21. 96
22. 90
23. 60
24. 70
25. 68
26. 92
27. 90
28. 96
29. 78
30. 90
31. 88
32. 66
33. 64
34. 88
01. 86
02. 72
03. 82
04. 84
05. 84
06. 70
07. 88
08. 96
09. 100
10. 58
11. 82
12. 76
13. 100
14. 100
15. 60
16. 68
17. 94
18. 70
19. 88
20. 44
21. 96
22. 84
23. 100
24. 94
25. 90
26. 98
27. 90
28. 100
29. 100
30. 100
31. 98
32. 88
33. 74
PS. : Study elaborately about '5 tenses' for the next final exam, OK...
Posted by
9:32 AM
Friday, May 1, 2009
Our Next Destination, Taman Simalem Resort, North Sumatera....
Posted by
3:32 AM
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The Interview ( Part 2 )
Last night Jason and Vincent held a Praise and Worship Workshop in our church... It lasted around 2 hours. They wore casual clothes. Jason was very funny in conducting this workshop, meanwhile Vincent was a bit serious, :') We laughed and laughed because of Jasons's jokes. This chubby guy was funny and cool, you know. After the workshop I had a chance to talk with him in our pastor's office and I even got his signature!
Below was our conversation....
Q : Got any plan for the near future?
A : Yup, I want to have a better album than what I have now, with cool sound and arrangements, of course. You know, my first album (Touch My Heart) was 'bad' for me - the process of making of the album was very usual. I need something different and special.
Q : How to keep a good voice according to tou?
A : Don't drink ice or ice water, don't eat fried and spicy food, when you sing just only use the voice from the diaphragm.
Q : How is the response of the audience here?
A : Very good, I love them.
Q : You know, I notice that when you sing live your voice is more interesting and very good if I compare to your recordings, is that right?
A : Yes, that's true. Many people say that.
Today Jason and Vincent have gone to Sidikalang with our pastor in order to perform and to conduct a service there. They still will be in North Sumatera until the next Tuesday, and maybe on Wednesday they will get back to Jakarta.
Anyway, thanks for your time and your tips in the workshop - it is really useful for us.
Godbless you...!!!
Posted by
10:30 PM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Interview ...

( Actually I just asked him 1 question, so the others I excerpt from the conversation on the stage )
Q : Why don't you sing secular songs instead of Christian songs, yeah, ... you know we can get much if we sing those type of songs? Haha...
A : Yeah, God has His own way for me... I believe in His choise.
Q : I heard you are from North Sumatera, could you tell me about that?
A : Yes, my dad is from Pematangsiantar, that is here and my mom is from Banten. We lived in Perdagangan until 1979 before we moved to Banten.
Q : What is your goal now for your family?
A : I want to take my mom to China to see some Chinese cultural events and palaces. I want my youngest brother to finish his study at a university...
Q : By the way, got a girl friend?
A : Nope, coz I just broke up... :'(
( Hope you could find another one soon la, Bro hehe... )
Posted by
7:14 AM
Monday, March 23, 2009
WOW,Great Performance, Jason !!!
After Bapa Sentuh Hatiku he testified the story behind the song then he continued singing another songs. The touching moment was when he talked about his past when they were poor, his winning in the dangdut singing competition in Banten, his struggle in life until who he is now.
And the funny moment was when he sang a Christian song in a dangdut style - hhmmm, interesting... All the audience sang along with him. We really had fun.
Besides Jason, we had Selly and Wendy as guest singers. They are also from North Sumatera like Jason. They have an album entitled Tiada Tuhan SepertiMu ( No Gods Like You ) Their voice is great as well. Especially Selly, before this she had child rheumatism disease and because of God's grace she is healed now. Allelujah !!!
Now, enjoy the pics ..... GBU !!!
PS : Jason came along with his keyboardist, Vincent. After Pematangsiantar they went to Pangururan to perform as well.
Farewell, Jason and good luck !!!
Posted by
8:49 PM
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Interior of Kok Tong Cafe @ Sutomo Street, Pematangsiantar
Posted by
4:57 PM
Friday, February 13, 2009
Watch Out for Jason's (Bapa Sentuh Hatiku) Performance in Pematangsiantar This 21 March !!!

Posted by
7:01 PM