Saturday, February 2, 2008

A Letter to Voice of Anggun (My Winning Entry)

( Just write down my name ‘santoli pantjalogam’ in any search engine to have a closer look at that website, OK )

Salut, VOA !

I am Santoli from Indonesia. I began to like Anggun when she sang a pop rock song named 'Tua - tua Keladi' – which criticizing a lascivious old man's bad behavior cynically. It was really a huge hit across the nation at that time. We could always listen to that catchy song over and over again being played every day on the radio - and every one was talking about the song which had raised her popularity to the highest peak in her singing career. Imagine that! By that time she was only a Junior High School student, but already got a big success in her early age!

Following her fame, she had toured to many cities and towns. After that, she also had some more hits that topped the charts in our music industry.

Later, I heard that she had moved abroad to develop her music career, to London then to Paris, exactly. And as a result, came out her first international album called ANGGUN ( in English ) and Au Nom de La Lune ( in French, in order to be marketed in France and French speaking contries ) - a nice collaboration between Anggun herself and the song writer / cold hand producer, Erick Benzi. Finally, Anggun goes international !!! I was very proud of her.

From the album, Anggun had the hit single Snow on the Sahara. The single succeeded in placing at number 19 on Billboard Boarder Breaker Chart. What a good achievement! The album itself sold up to one million copies around the world. She also had toured to many places all over the world, including The Lilith Fair Festival in the USA. I got so much sensational experience, she said.

The songs I like the most in this album are Always, La Rose Des Vents and La Ligne Des Sens. I like the music in this album - I think the music is rather magical, cultural and very Java styled ( especially on the flute sound ).

In her second album - Chrysalis / Desirs Contraires, Anggun again showed her sexy and strong contra-alto vocal. There is a song entitled How the World that contains the Indian music, although taken from the sampling. The sound in this album is less cultural, but universal. My favorite tracks are Breathing ( I think this song is very sexy ), A Prayer ( that gives us hope after listening to it ), Rain, and at last Still Reminds Me ( its music is so tempting, you know ).

I would say that her French is so good – I often play her French albums day by day as my admiration of her good work. Feeling and experiencing her powerful voice and her great music with my heart and my soul. For me, her single Au Nom de La Lune is her best French song ever. You can feel the strength and the softness in that song altogether. As the impact, now I am learning French – I want to be like her, to be able to talk fluently like she does. Je t’aime, Anggun ! You really rock ! BRAVO ! ! !

Santoli Pantjalogam / Patrick Logan

Saying I Love You in 100 Languages !!! (from many sources)

Afrikaans - Ek het jou lief
Albanian - Te dua
Arabic - Ana behibak (to male)
Arabic - Ana behibek (to female)
Armenian - Yes kez sirumen
Bambara - M'bi fe
Bangla - Aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi
Belarusian - Ya tabe kahayu
Bisaya - Nahigugma ako kanimo
Bulgarian - Obicham te
Cambodian - Soro lahn nhee ah
Cantonese Chinese - Ngo oiy ney a
Catalan - T'estimo
Cheyenne - Ne mohotatse
Chichewa - Ndimakukonda
Corsican - Ti tengu caru (to male)
Creol - Mi aime jou
Croatian - Volim te
Czech - Miluji te
Danish - Jeg Elsker Dig
Dutch - Ik hou van jou
English - I love you
Esperanto - Mi amas vin
Estonian - Ma armastan sind
Ethiopian - Afgreki'
Faroese - Eg elski teg
Farsi - Doset daram
Filipino - Mahal kita
Finnish - Mina rakastan sinua
French - Je t'aime, Je t'adore
Gaelic - Ta gra agam ort
Georgian - Mikvarhar
German - Ich liebe dich
Greek - S'agapo
Gujarati - Hoo thunay prem karoo choo
Hiligaynon - Palangga ko ikaw
Hawaiian - Aloha wau ia oi
Hebrew - Ani ohev otah (to female)
Hebrew - Ani ohev et otha (to male)
Hiligaynon - Guina higugma ko ikaw
Hindi - Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae
Hmong - Kuv hlub koj
Hopi - Nu' umi unangwa'ta
Hungarian - Szeretlek
Icelandic - Eg elska tig
Ilonggo - Palangga ko ikaw
Indonesian - Saya cinta padamu
Inuit - Negligevapse
Irish - Taim i' ngra leat
Italian - Ti amo
Japanese - Aishiteru
Kanada - Naanu ninna preetisuttene
Kapampangan - Kaluguran daka
Kiswahili - Nakupenda
Konkani - Tu magel moga cho
Korean - Sarang Heyo
Latin - Te amo
Latvian - Es tevi miilu
Lebanese - Bahibak
Lithuanian - Tave myliu
Malay - Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu
Malayalam - Njan Ninne Premikunnu
Mandarin Chinese - Wo ai ni
Marathi - Me tula prem karto
Mohawk - Kanbhik
Moroccan - Ana moajaba bik
Nahuatl - Ni mits neki
Navaho - Ayor anosh'ni
Norwegian - Jeg Elsker Deg
Pandacan - Syota na kita!!
Pangasinan - Inaru Taka
Papiamento - Mi ta stimabo
Persian - Doo-set daaram
Pig Latin - Iay ovlay ouyay
Polish - Kocham Ciebie
Portuguese - Eu te amo
Romanian - Te iubesc
Russian - Ya tebya liubliu
Scot Gaelic - Tha gra'dh agam ort
Serbian - Volim te
Setswana - Ke a go rata
Sign Language - ,,,/ (represents position of fingers when signing'I Love You')
Sindhi - Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan
Sioux - Techihhila
Slovak - Lu`bim ta
Slovenian - Ljubim te
Spanish - Te quiero / Te amo
Swahili - Ninapenda wewe
Swedish - Jag alskar dig
Swiss-German - Ich lieb Di
Tagalog - Mahal kita
Taiwanese - Wa ga ei li
Tahitian - Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tamil - Nan unnai kathalikaraen
Telugu - Nenu ninnu premistunnanu
Thai - Chan rak khun (to male)
Thai - Phom rak khun (to female)
Turkish - Seni Seviyorum
Ukrainian - Ya tebe kahayu
Urdu - mai aap say pyaar karta hoo
Vietnamese - Anh ye^u em (to female)
Vietnamese - Em ye^u anh (to male)
Welsh - 'Rwy'n dy garu
Yiddish - Ikh hob dikh
Yoruba - Mo ni fe

Friday, February 1, 2008

Je Vous Aime, Mes Amis ... !!! Happy Valentine's Day !!! Thanks a lot, Tera Ginting ...

Je Vous Aime, Mes Amis … !!!
Par Santoli Pantjalogam / Patrick Logan

Derrière la porte
Loin de ton visage
J’écris mon journal
Est-ce que tu mens?

Derrière la porte
Je remplis des pages
J’attends ton signal
Mais tout est si lent

Derrière la porte
Mon abri secret
Je rêve éveillée
Là, … … …

J'étais en train d'écouter ma chanson préférée d’Anggun en m'asseyant en face de mon ordinateur, essayer de savoir comment fêter la St. Valentin cette année, quand soudain, j'ai eu une idée d'écrire quelque chose sur l'amour d'amitié.

Oui, tout le monde a des amis; des connaissances ou des meilleurs amis. Parfois, il y en a qu'on connaît d'une façon très fascinante ! On peut rencontrer nos amis d'une façon différente l'un de l'autre !

Comme les histoires ci-dessous…

Ce jour la, j'enseignais encore dans une école privée dans ma ville.

Un jour, en avril 2002, pour changer l'ambiance de travail, j'ai téléphoné à un bureau à Jakarta dont j'avais obtenu le numéro de une annonce (sur les travails à l'étranger) dans un journal. À l'homme qui a décroché, j'ai posé beaucoup de question sur toutes les choses concernant le travail et les démarches que je devrais faire si j'étais intéressé. La voix était douce et amicale...

Après le premier entretien, l'homme n'arrêtait pas de m'offrir leur programme. Leur bureau central est à Jakarta et il y a une branche à Medan. Mais j'ai pris mon chemin…

J'ai demandé des renseignements à quelques agences et à un ami quihabite en Corée, et j'ai décidé d'aller à l'étranger moi-même. Quand j'étais en Thaïlande, cette homme m'a appelé sur mon portable et étaitsurpris d'apprendre que j'étais en Thaïlande.

J'ai bien profité de mon voyage et j'ai passé beaucoup de beaux moments dans le nouvel endroit. Enfin, j'ai décidé de rentrer en Indonésie et de devenir un agent qui aide ceux qui veulent travaillerà l'étranger, en Corée en particulier.

J'ai régulièrement mis une annonce dans un journal de ma province. Et un jour, cette homme m'a encore appelé, c'était un an et 3 mois après mon retour en Indonésie et il parait qu'il a vu mon annonce. Il m'a dit bonjour et il m'a demandé comment ça allait mon nouveau business, qui est le même quele sien. Et depuis, on s'envois souvent des SMS et on s'entend bien même si on ne s'est pas encore vus ! Il m'a même offert de le rejoindre dans un business de MLM qui est très populaire au monde ces derniers jours !

Ce nouvel an chinois, il m'a rendu une visite et c'était la première fois que je l'ai vu ! C'est marrant, hein ?

Le deuxième ami, je l'ai rencontré dans un cyber café au bureau de poste. Je l'ai vu plusieurs fois avant car on était souvent en ligne en même temps l'après midi. À ce moment la, on ne s'est pas beaucoup parlé, on s'est souri seulement et puis le monde du cyber nous apré occupé.

L'an passé, je l'ai vu encore dans un cyber café à Jalan Merdeka. Je lui ai dit bonjour et on a un peu bavardé. Et depuis, on s'envois des SMS et on s'entend très bien ! Oui, il a de quelques ans de plus que moi, et franchement, je l'admire. On parle de beaucoup de choses dans la vie, on se donne, on se reçoit… Il est mon inspiration. Je suis content de le connaître !

Le troisième ami est mon meilleur ami. On se connaît depuis long temps, depuis qu'on était au lycée. On est toujours la l'un pour l'autre dans la tristesse et dans le bonheur. Il est celui qui me comprend le mieux. Il est gentil et modeste. Il sera toujours celui a qui je parlerai si j'ai des problèmes dans la vie…

La dernière amie dont je veux vous parler, c'est une fille que j'ai vue a la réunion du service religieux. Elle est douce. Elle a toutes les qualités que un homme cherche en une fille. Elle est vraiment gentille, elle ne mélange jamais un problème avec un autre problème. Elle est sage même si j'ai des mal entendus avec son frère. Je lui partage mes avis et mes opinions, elle est la personne en qui j'ai confiance…

Finalement, je veux remercier tous les amis qui me soutiennent toujours et qui m'aiment toujours sincèrement… Je ne sais pas raconter mon histoire avec chacun de vous, mais je crois que vous avez la même idée que moi… vous savez qui vous étés !

Je vous aime, mes amis !!!


"La plus heureuse personne est entourée par ses frères, ses sœurs etses amis. Il / elle n'a aucun problème avec ses voisins, il / elle est occupée à ses activités quotidiennes, et ce qui compte le plus, c'est qu'elle sait pardonner les autres facilement… "

… … …You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up… to more than I can be… … …

(Une chanson du plus tard album de Josh Groban, Closer)


Patrick Logan

He Don't Love You Like I Love You by Santoli Pantjalogam

He Don’t Love You Like I Love You

By : Santoli Pantjalogam / Patrick Logan

Actually, this was a kind of shame and a bit ridiculous tale of mine, : ) But, I’ll tell you because I want to share it with you. I met her for the first time at her family’s home religious service. She was a sister of a friend of mine. At that time I didn’t pay much attention to her because we were busy discussing some subjects from our evangelist to figure out. From the first meeting I could say that she was a friendly and calm girl.

The second time I met her was at the Sunday service. She was as friendly and calm as before.

“ Hi, with whom do you come? “ A friendly welcome came out from her little mouth.

“ Hi, too! I come with your brother. “ I replied politely, smiling.

It was the second meeting. I hadn’t felt the flame yet until I met her for the third time at another home religious service. She was a little late, so she took a sit beside me. All along the service we often talked about our every day’s activities, the trifling things that we faced and how to manage them.

Until, … suddenly her brother who was sitting three people on the left of me interrupting, “ Hey, some one is being jealous!

”For that time I didn’t know that this plain and friendly girl had got a boyfriend. “ Oh, my…! That guy would kill me for talking to his girlfriend! ” I thought, blaming myself.

But later emerged one question in my head after noticing some awkwardness, “ If she is his girlfriend and why doesn’t she take a sit beside him? ”

That question always rose on my mind every time I looked at them. The same situation happened again at Parapat, when our home religious service got an outdoor meeting. I took a sit near her and we were just like before, talking about the recent happenings and something like that, you know. I admitted that after that time, whenever I met her I would feel that my heart was pounding like there was a set of drums being played inside, : )
Yup, that was true… By degrees I realised that I had got a special feeling with this plain, calm and friendly girl. Meanwhile, she and her boyfriend didn’t have any intimate conversation and they even didn’t show that they were lovers.

Finally, I would ask you, readers… We should give the best for the one we love, shouldn’t we? And we should love her/him with all of our heart and soul, right? Treating, comforting and paying attention to her/him with the best in ourselves, with the joy we could create. Those are the essentials of the human love relationship, I think.

OK, while thinking of my question please enjoy yourselves with this mellow and deeply meaning song from Daniel Bedingfield which really represents the situation above …

If You’re Not The One

If you’re not the one, then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you’re not the one, then why does my hand feed yours this way?
If you’re not mine, then why does your heart return my call?
If you’re not mine, what I have a strange first stand at all?

Never know what the future brings but I know you’re here with me now
Don’t make it through when I hope you are the one I share my life with…

I don’t wanna run away but I can’t take it I don’t understand
Ever not make for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I could stand your love ……… ?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________“ L’essentiel de la relation d’amour est donner mutuellement le meilleur dans notre vie - aimer avec la coeur et l’âme… The essential of the human love relationship is giving the best from our life – loving with all of our heart and soul… “

Patrick Logan / Santoli Pantjalogam

Love Can Wait by Santoli Pantjalogam

Love Can Wait

by : Santoli Pantjalogam / Patrick Logan

I was on the deck of an excursion ship which was sailing in the Straits of Malacca heading for Langkawi, a popular tourism island in Malaysia… It was midnight and I was alone. I looked at the sky above. I saw many many stars glittering in the clear sky amusing me as if they knew my heart. Yes, I was unhappy. Standing by the fence with a bottle of whiskey in my hand, I tried to calm myself down. But that moment was still playing on my mind. That day I found my girlfriend going out with my best friend. I was very disheartened to face the fact that they had been dating behind my back… At last, she said that she did not love me anymore. This was the hardest thing had ever happened to me. She had betrayed our love, our pure love. I did not understand. I just knew that I loved her with all of my heart - but as a result she left me! It was unfair…

I felt a bit dizzy. I attempted not to think about that matter again. I drank some more big gulps of whiskey. I wanted to be drunk, so I could forget my sadness. I was going to stay late in the open air, with the starry sky as my ceiling, which I thought was wonderful. On a wooden bench near the stern, I stared at the stars high above. I let them accompany me through the night.

All of a sudden, I saw something white fast moving across on the left side of the bench. Something in a long waving stuff was standing and shaking right there near the fence. The angel of death had arrived to try me, I thought. I numbeb myself to see that thrilling appearance. In fear, I squinted my eyes to make a clear vision to figure out what it was. Vaguely, I noticed that the shocking thing was a girl in a white long coat. The girl was crying. She cried sobbingly. Apparently something tragic had befallen her. I watched her without she realised that there was someone sitting behind her. She cried there for several minutes. Now she looked more relieved. She used her scarf to wipe her face then turned around. Uups, I was caught red handed! I grinned to her. She was embarrassed and bowed her head. I managed to talk to her.

" Hi! " That was just the word I could say firstly.

" H-h-hi, too… " She replied clumsily.

" Want some whiskey? It could ease you. I am just like you! " I offered her the bottle from my hand. I saw her standing there in doubt.

" Come on! It's great! " I encouraged her to take the drink.

The girl raised her head, smiled then came approaching me. She received the bottle from my hand and drank it repeatedly. I studied the girl from head to toes. She was young and beautiful, having the long blond hair tied neatly with a dark blue hairpin. Her narrow eyebrows bending like the crescent moon over her light blue eyes. Her nose was so match with her red lips. She got good and long legs. She was almost perfect…

Knowing that I was checking her out, she blushed.

" Thanks for the drink… " She said and continued, " Anyway, what are you doing here in this cold weather? Are you guarding this place? " She smiled again.

It looked that the alcoholic drink had made a little help on her. She was calmer. She even could make fun of me.

" No, I am not a watchman or something like that… " I explained to her in a warmer manner. This girl was funny. I knew she was only joking. " Yes, I am doing sad just like you are. Would you mind accompanying me for a while? " I invited her to sit politely. I really needed someone to hold on to.

She accepted my request. Sat along the carved old fashioned bench we stared at the stars. We said nothing - just sat there quietly watching the midnight sky. Only silence and peace were surrounded us ...

An hour had passed by. " Are you feeling better now? " She asked me first breaking the silence of the night.

" Uh - huh… " I answered in a light, more relaxed intonation. Besides funny, the girl also seemed to be nice.

I was lucky to meet her on this big ship. I could feel that something good was going to cheer me up. I felt that I had known her for a long time. I told her my sad story, what had happened to my girlfriend. She told me her sad story as well. She said that she had just broken up with her boyfriend. He just ended their love relationship through the mobile because had fallen in love with a new girl in their class at the university they were attending. Obviously, he was a playboy! We laughed aloud at our bad luck.

" It's a coincidence! " She stated. " We have the same fate. Maybe we are predestinated to meet here on this ship. Is it right? " She laughed again. She looked more beautiful when laughing.

" Yup, that's right! " I agreed to her statement. Being with her I felt peaceful. She had a good personality. She was friendly and communicative. I began to like her. The pain in us by degrees had subsided after being shared. We talked until 3 o'clock in the morning before we parted.

" Thank you, Michelle. See you! " I shook her hand to thank her." You're welcome, Patrick. See you… " She replied softly, waving her hand to me.

The following day I saw the girl sitting at the table by the window as I entered the fast food restaurant. She was having fried chicken, french fries and a glass of orange juice. She ate her breakfast while looking at the people outside the restaurant through the glass window. It was 9 o'clock in the morning. The sun was shining brightly. A lot of people were sitting on the lounge chairs enjoying the morning sun. Some of them were reading books or just talking to each other towards the sea. I came close to her table. I wanted to say hello to my new American friend.

" Hello, Michelle. How are you doing this morning? " I began the conversation.

" Hello, too Patrick. I'm fine, thank you. How are you? " She replied happily. She wore a white sleeveless shirt, stretch light brown jeans and a pair of sneakers. She let her smooth hair loose freely. We sat face to face at the oval table.

" Very well, thank you. I just got up and was hungry! " I said shyly stroking my stomach. I was a bit ashamed to my bad habit - which was often getting up late in the morning.

I ordered the same menu as she had. They were my favorite meal.

" Hmm, the fried chicken in this restaurant is still the best! I often eat them when I'm hanging out with my friends in my hometown in Medan, North Sumatera. " I commented on the delicious meat then bit a mouthful of it.

" Yeah, I like it very much! The restaurant got the greatest number of branches in my contry. " She told me elaborately regarding the restaurant and its products which was indigenous to the USA.

After having breakfast we took a little walk around the surroundings to explore the facilities equipped on the ship. All at once she stopped near the flagpole and gazed at one direction in the sea.

" Look! " She shrieked merrily. She made a gesture for me to follow her point finger was pointing at.

" Wow, there are three pairs of porpoises swimming down over there. They swim so fast chasing one another! "

I stood beside her and looked at the blue sea. " They are going to jump in the air! " I added and immediately took out my digital camera to capture the moment. The porpoises jumped over and over again to show us their fantastic attraction. We saw the whole scene enthusiastically. " Yes, I got them! " I lifted my hands to indicate that I was satisfied. " It's amazing, isn't it? " I showed her the repeating motion scene in my camera proudly.

" It's awesome! " She continued, " The porpoise is a smart animal. They would help lost fishermen to find the right direction in the sea. The porpoise is a friend to a sailor. "

I nodded. Apparently she cared about the animal. Her manner showed me the reason.

" By the way, what is your plan for today? " I wanted to know what she was going to do.

The pretty girl took off her sunglasses. She just blinked her blue light eyes…

" Don't tell me if you only want to stand here watching the sea! " I teased her.

She shrugged. " Yes, I only got such plan for today… "

I beat her left arm and she moaned. She replied with a hit on my chest. We chased each other like two little children on the playground. We really enjoyed our togetherness. We played and laughed freely.

" Alright, alright! " I stopped running breathlessly. " I give up, I give up, ooh! " I panted. " What about going to the art gallery? This morning when I went to the restaurant I read that a painting exhibition is being held there. Huh? " I proposed, still panting.

" Let's go! " Without asking twice she had grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the place.

It was day two on the excursion ship… After the art gallery, we ate at a chinese restaurant then went to a movie. At midnight we went clubbing. We spent the night splendidly. So far, we had got along very well. We really fit together. I admitted, I began falling in love with her. She with her kindness inside had captured my heart. Our relationship became closer and closer. I knew she got the same feeling as well.

Day three, Langkawi Island.

We lay side by side basking on the soft sands of the beautiful beach. We let the morning sun lick our semi nude bodies. We both wore a skimpy swimwear. We wanted to get tanned, actually…

" Wow, it's so relaxing! " She exclaimed, smoothing back her straight long blond hair. She was a voluptuous girl with the right curves on the right places. The sea wind blowed her hair firmly. It was so natural to see her in this way. I felt my heart beat faster.

" That's right! " I said. " You also can feel the same atmosphere in my contry! "

" Really? " Her eyes glared.

" Off course! Have you been to Indonesia? "

" Never. So, how is it like? " She said, sipping her fruit juice.

" For instance, in the province where I live, you can go to Nias Island with its exotic beach and landscape, Lake Toba with the island named Samosir in the middle of it, and Berastagi highland - a tourism object where you can find diverse kinds of tropical fruits there! " I introduced her the excellence of my contry.

She was enchanted with my description.

" I have an idea! What do you say if before you visit your Dad in Singapore, you come with me to my place? I will show you the richness of my homeland! " I stared at her beautiful eyes then kissed her forehead lightly.

" Oh, it’s so sweet! I’ll come with you… "

She kissed me back at my mouth then smiled - the most beautiful smile…

A French Lesson par Thomas Proffit, a friend of mine in Paris

Pour les débutants...
Trois sorcières regardent trois montres Swatch. Quelle sorcière regarde quelle montre Swatch ?...

maintenant le tout en anglais...Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watch which Swatch watch?

Et maintenant la version avancée...Trois sorcières travesties regardent les boutons de trois montres swatch. Quelle sorcière travestie regarde les boutons de quelle montre Swatch?...

le tout en anglais...Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watch which Swatch watch switch ?

Indonesian Education

Indonesian Education

By : Santoli Pantjalogam / Patrick Logan

Talking about Indonesian education it would come to a never ending story. As years go by, the system would change from one to another but it remains the same, rigid and useless – only the name is changed. As teachers we won’t be surprised any more to this condition. As the victim, our students will get the worst impact caused by this rotten education system.

On the other hand, they are just innocent as pigeons and really need our guide. Sometimes we find hyper active children, they are so active that we can’t think clearly in teaching them. Sometimes we even punish them too hard. Actually we don’t mean to be rude, we just want to give the best from ours. If we’re soft, they will be unobedient, if too strict they won’t accept …

So, as teachers what should we do to cope with this problem? According to your experience, what kind of system is more sensible? Do you think we should use an uncommon system? Do you think that the system we use now is too ordinary so the students get bored?

OK, Guys you may respond to this topic and please send in your ideas or comments right away on this blog. Or you can e-mail me at for an elaborate discussion.

Thanks for visiting …

Swimming, My Favorite Sport !!!

Swimming, My Favorite Sport

By : Santoli / Patrick Logan

The one and only sport I love muchly is swimming. I like to swim in the afternoon, around 17.00 – 18.45 at Detis, Pematangsiantar. If I have vacation I’d like to swim in Lake Toba or in the sea. But the condition is really really different between swimming ia a static pool to a wavy sea. The sensation is awesome. If we swim in the sea, I notice that we can’t dive in deeper easily – no matter how hard you try you will remain to be pulled out soon.

Once I had been to Makassar and had a chance to swim in its clear sea. The scenary under the water was magnificent, there were many many beautiful fishs swimming over here and over there. I was attracted to catch some so I began to dive. But, as I went under the water to reach the bottom a strong power pushed me upward to the surface. It was so hard to do so. Finally my desire to catch some beautiful fish was shattered. I just swam instead. Using a pair of goggles I could see the beauty down there but couldn’t get them. It was pathetic !

When swimming in Toba Lake the condition was a bit haunted. You know, we couldn’t see the bottom of the lake. It was too deep. There were so many water plants floating nearly the surface in some location. So, be carefull Guys if you swim in those areas !Finally, what I’m going to tell you is that swimming is really good for our body. It can burn some fat, make our body much taller and muscular.

So, let’s swim Guys !!!

Indonesia's 12 Categories of Kisses (Jason Tedjasukmana, A Journalist)

Hit the brakes. Crank the tunes. Spin the rearview mirror ball, and start tripping. Far from Bill and Ted or Harold and Kumar, this is one of the tamer scenes from the latest film by Indonesian director Riri Riza. Three Days to Forever follows two cousins of the opposite sex on a 12-hour road trip from Jakarta to Yogyakarta. Between sharing a bag of weed and, later, a mattress, the protagonists also appear to have managed the extraordinary feat of slipping by the country's infamous censorship body.

So, does this mean such taboos as incest, drug abuse and premarital sex have become acceptable topics of cinematic exploration in the world's most populous Muslim nation? "The censors are so inconsistent in what they cut," says screenwriter Rayya Makarim. "Sometimes it's a scene, sometimes it's because of the subject matter or maybe it's because of the title that a film gets pulled."

Indeed, the current screen sensation Sorry, I Got Your Wife Pregnant, showing in several major cities, has yet to provoke the ire generated by Kiss Me Quick, yanked from screens because of its supposedly racy title.Yet, the notion of adultery in Sorry eems not to have upset the ensors. "We allowed it because the ife was actually separated from the usband," explains Titie Said, the 72-year-old head of the Film Censorship oard. "We have guidelines, but if we ut everything we want a lot of films ould be pretty short."

Said claims to feel the pain of Indonesia's filmmakers every time she and her team of 45 have to cut a scene,but maintains that "certain elements of society" need to be protected. She cites Kiss Me Quick, a teen romance, and Pocong, a film dealing with the violence during the overthrow of former dictator Suharto, as examples of where the censors have to draw the line. "We're getting more aggressive in what we will allow, but those who attack us are getting more aggressive as well."

Still, the censors are at a loss to explain why they didn't touch a kiss between two men in the urban comedy Arisan, but cut a heterosexual kiss inthe biopic Gie. "We have 12 categories of kisses," explains Said, adding that permissible kisses include pecks on the cheek and forehead but not on the lips if it could "arouse one's passion." As for the two men in Arisan, she says the scene was shot from far away and thus didn't arouse the requisite feelings. "As long as a kiss does not arouse passion or lust we don't cut it."

Filmmakers say the censors could avoid the problem by dispensing with cuts made on the basis of Suharto-era censorship regulations, and instead simply employing a ratings system. "Thecensors are not relevant anymore," saysRiri Riza, 36, whose Three Days suffered 11 cuts. "We need to get rid of the scissors because the current system is not transparent and left to a team who operate behind closed doors."

The filmmakers plan to take their case against censorship to the Supreme Courtin August. "The industry will never thrive if we constantly face these threats," says Riza. To be sure, the local industry is small, and produced only 37 films last year. "There is so much competition from foreign films,"says producer Paquita Wijaya. "We need to encourage the creation of more quality films, but that won't happen unless we standardize the criteria used for classifying films."

On screen violence, smoking and romance among teenagers discovering their sexuality and the value of the irvirginity are rife in Indonesian films,because those are the images that draw the kids to the theaters. In most cases, films are made for less than $500,000, and producers need to sell at least 300,000 tickets to break even.Few reach that benchmark without aheavy dose of teen romance,superstition or horror, and even thenmost Indonesian films aren't shown for more than a week on a particular screen. "The only films that do well now are ones kids see over and over,"adds producer Wijaya. That's a formula Hollywood knows all too well. But if Indonesian cinema is to flourish, commercially, its producers need torely on something more predictable than the whim of the censors to determine whether their movie makes it onto screens.

All About Love (forwarded email from a friend of mine)

Learn to love the people who are with you at present.Forget the people in the past & thank them for hurting you, which led you to love the people you have right now.

When you love someone, you'll do crazy things you can't explain. When you love someone, you sacrifice, give everything you've got.

Love is the feeling we fall in and out ,every time we fall off, we learn to hold on tighter...hoping that next time, we may never have to let go.

Love is not the right word to say when you feel guilty nor the right word to say when you like a person but love really matters whenwe share our thoughts, our minds, and our hearts...

Love is not for beauty or color of the skin, but for a heart that is loyal within, for beauty fades and the skin would grow old but a heart that is loyal will never turn cold.

If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.

If someone loves you, love them back not only because they love you, but also because they are teaching you to love and opening your heart and eyes to things you have never seen or felt without them.

The past is meant to be used as a tool for the future.Bad experiences indeed make you bitter but the lessons learned should make you better.

Broadcasting on Epiginosko Radio (Community Radio), Pematangsiantar ... Catch me every day from 5 - 6 pm here !!!

Epiginosko Radio 107,7 FM
“Building The Truth To Present The Kingdom of GOD”

The feeling of being a broadcaster is sort of fun and challenging, if I could say. But at first it was akward, you know. I was clumsy and nervous … but thank God finally it feels nice. I have been broadcasting for 11 months - this December it would be 1year.

If you ask me what do I get by doing this then I would say that I am really satisfied. Yup, the answer is satisfaction.

The name of the program I host is Epiginosko in English, aired every day from Monday to Friday from 17.00 – 18.00. The main idea to arrange this program is to encourage people to speak English or to arouse their interest in English. Every day we will talk about one topic that I give and it is different day by day. The audience can respond it by calling me or sending an sms to our sms line. Sometimes there are many responders so we have a tough conversation. It’s really cool…

Besides that, the audience also can request songs and dedicate them to their friends, family, etc.

Here is the topic I brought quite some time ago. The topic was “Judging People”

Frankly speaking, I often do it. When I face some people who I don’t like (for his behaviour, his deed, etc) then I’ll judge him. It’s not right because GOD forbids us to do that. Only HIM can judge people.

I believe that every one of us often does it, and what I want to share here is how to cope with this matter? May be some of you have a better solution? You Guys also can share your story here…

Usually I host this program also in French…

Syalom et bonjour, mes amis comment ça va… ? C’est Radio Epiginosko – ‘ Bâtir La Vérité Pour Présenter Le Royaume du DIEU ‘ et je m’appelle Patrick.

Le sujet du jour est ’Juger Les Gens’

Franchement, je le fais souvent. Quand je rencontre les gens qui je n’aime pas (par example pour sa conduite, sa action, etc) ensuite je le jugerais. Mais, c’est pas vrai. Juste DIEU peut juger les gens.

Je crois que nous le faisons souvent, et quoi je veux partager ici est comment résoudre le problème.

Peut-être vous avez une plus beau solution ? Vous pouvez partager sa histoire aussi, sur ce programme.

OK, Guys je t’attends…

Siantar Trimotorcycle (Becak Siantar)

For the antique automotive vehicle fans, the motorcycle which used as a mover device for a three wheel vehicle (becak) in Pematangsiantar, North Sumatera could "tickle" your desire to collect it.

The BSA motorcycle which made in England, according to the local inhabitants was used as a battle device by English soldiers in Java Island during the World War II - becomes an interesting item collection. Besides rare, the average age of the motorcylcle is about 60 years. Now the total amount of this so called motorcycle is only 200 units. The year of production is range from 1941, 1948, 1952 and the latest was in 1956.

Becak in Pematangsiantar which has the area about 79.97 kilometer square is really different with the becak in another towns in Indonesia. Located at the altitude of 400 meter above the sea level with the mountainous land surface, causing the roads in this town go up and down. With such a condition an ordinary tricycle is hard to be used. Finally, the three wheel vehicle was modified by "sticking" the BSA motorcycle on the right side of the tricycle as the power booster. This very becak which has become as a transportation equipment since the sixties then becomes the identifying mark and an interesting point for many tourists, although now little by little it is shoved aside by another public vehicle which is operating until late at night.

If you have the chance to visit my town, just try it...


(Santoli Pantjalogam / Patrick Logan, from various sources)

Pematangsiantar, My Lovely Hometown

Pematangsiantar is a city in North Sumatera. It has the status of a second level district and a population of around 232,900 (1997 estimate) making it the second largest city in the province after the provincial capital Medan.

Pematangsiantar is about 50 miles (80 km) southeast of Medan with which is connected by a major road and railway. On the way, you will pass through many rubber, cocoa, palm, tobacco and tea plantations. This is the richest part of North Sumatera, because these plantations produce the main export commodities.

Then onward to Lake Toba you will see a vast stretch of land covered with thick forests, plantations, terraced ricefields, lush vegetation, blue and green hills and mountains.

Pematangsiantar has two main roads called Merdeka Road and Sutomo Road. This city has website at

Coordinates 2◦ 57' 36" N and 99◦ 3' 36" E

(Source : Wikipedia & others)